
It's time to say farewell

Hey folks,

5 months went by way too fast. I can't believe that I am already home. This big, huge adventure I was longing for so long is over. I could be bowling crying now, but I won't. I prefer appreciating the unforgettable time I had & I'm telling ya it was freaking awesome.


On Tueday the 7th of June I left my little hometown Kanturk and with it my Irish family. It was heartbreaking, when it was time to say farewell to my two little host siblings and my host father. My host mum Sonya brought me to the bus in Mallow. At least our "departure" was typical. We all overslept and panicked then, but we still got ready in time :D


In Mallow Sonya & me still had a laugh as some staff thought she is a student too. I would not have complained if she'd come with us to Dublin :) Sooner as thought I say a last "Goodbye" to Sonya and got on the bus. It was really hard to not cry especially with some of the other exchange students crying but I stayed strong, I promised Sonya. 


Next Stop was Maynooth. At Maynooth University we got our single rooms - I srsly felt lonely. But I finally saw Lola again which made me really happy. And all the students I had met in London too. It was awesome. After we had some lunch, where I talked to many other exchange students and found out that noone really seemed to miss their host family as much as I do, we got our times for the buses in the morning and then we got ready for graduation and prom. While getting dressed and doing our makeup we sang and danced through the room. And then we went to graduation. We all got certificates and Sandy from EF also held a really good speech. Outside again we finally were allowed to throw our graduation hats into the air. I swear, my head back, looking into the sky I felt free, young & wild. But also proud, proud that I got such a good family, proud that I never thought of going home & proud that I was & that I am brave.


Before prom started we took some photos and chatted for some more. Then prom started and Lena & I danced so much that we soon started to become way too warm in our long dresses. We changed cloth and went back to enjoy our last night in Ireland fully. We danced, sang & had so much fun. Everyone was so nice and open-minded. You could literally think of a person that you just met as one of your best friends. It was awesome. As the story always goes it was over way too fast and we only had a few minutes to say goodbye to everyone we would not see in the morning. We exchanged phone numbers, snapchat names ect. Alone in my room I just could not sleep so I decided to wash my hair and then I finally went to bed to get a few hours sleep before I stood up at 6 o'clock to catch my bus at 7. Lena stood up that early just to say me farewell. I was on the earliest bus that left leaving sad, waving shadows behind. 


I still can't believe that Lena is so far away from me right now. It's hard to imagine that I am here in Austria and my host family in Ireland. I miss u all xxx & I am also sad that I had to leave Ireland.


But it was also really exciting to see my family again. I could not imagine this happening until I saw them but once I hugged them it seemed as if I'd never been away. I started talking about my exchange and Ireland and my host family until we were home without stopping at all. It was really exciting and I wanted to tell them EVERYTHING.


Finally home I investigated our house really carefully, did something change? Then I went for lunch to my granny's and later on my friends came around. It was really nice to see them again. On the one hand I had the feeling that I had never been away on the other hand I had the feeling that it'd been so long since I last saw them and that I changed completely. Though, it was awesome.

