Hello everyone


As some of you might now I was an EF exchange student in Ireland from January to June 2016. Being abroad for 5 months did not only give the chance to improve my English but to fully immerse in a different culture. Apart from English, I learned a lot about myself as a person and I am more self-confident and independent now. Being an EF Ambassador I got the chance to work with new exchange students and to form part of great projects. It's all about inspiring others to go abroad & to do an EF High School Exchange Year! This is such a unique opportunity!! In case you are a little interested now about studying abroad or Ireland in general - feel  free to scroll through this page. The following video might help you to know a little more about going abroad or they might help if you are an exchange student yourself. Moreover, I was very eagerly writing my blog when I was abroad so click *here* to find all EF related blog posts.