Hey folks,
how are ya doing? Hopefully better then me, because I'm currently stuck to my bed with an angina. I had them very often when I was smaller and I genuinely hate them, well anyone who likes them? ^^
The timing isn't the best either. This goddamn sore throat came just the day before we left for Munich. But I did not think that it is that bad. K, yes it hurt a lot but I just knew that we are going on a vacation now. Well, this did not work out the way I thought.
So we went to Munich on Wednesday, strolling through the streets, scaling one of these beautiful towers to have an overview over the city and just exploring Munich a bit (PS: I actually noticed that I have never properly been to the city centre of Munich although I've been to Munich really often, well mostly to go to the airport ^^). But I already struggled a bit as my voice was all cracky people did not quiet understand me but anyway I still thought I'm alright.
3am the next morning I did not quiet think that I'm alright any longer. I had a high fever and could barely open my mouth. When my dad came over to my room, sat down and said that we need to go home again I had a breakdown. I wanted to go to Spain and especially Barcelona so badly. But I could not help it, I was sick and we had to go home.
So at home we went to the doctor who sent us to the hospital and every time at the blood draw (3 times) the doctors thought I'm afraid, but nope I was just so sad that I wasn't in Spain enjoying the time of my life. Luckily, I "just" had a really bad angina where my tonsils and my lymph nods are swollen, but better than getting an operation I suppose.
So now I'm home, because they were confident that I'll get better the sooner if I am at home instead of getting well in the hospital. Though, sometimes when I just can't drink the antibiotics anymore I wish I'd just get them straight into my blood. So here I am now, tired, sleepy and not particularly feeling good but I'll be better soon and I'll hopefully get the opportunity to go to Barcelona another time.